Opening doors to help you move forward
Welcome to APDS Assist! We’re here to help
- Learn more about how your APDS Clinical Educator (ACE) can help you and your family.
- Receive assistance with insurance coverage and any authorization requirements.
- Get personalized help from a Care Coordinator.
*Please note that ACEs do not offer medical or treatment advice or replace discussions with your physician, who will always be your primary source of information.
Hear from your APDS Assist Team
Find out more about how APDS Assist works to support you.
Learn how our ACE team can get you started with confidence and partner with you throughout your Joenja treatment journey.*
Connect with a Care Coordinator
at APDS Assist
- Call 1-877-796-APDS (2737)
- 8 AM-8 PM ET, Monday-Friday
- A Care Coordinator can also connect you to a dedicated APDS Assist pharmacist
Starter program
If your healthcare provider thinks Joenja is right for you, we’re committed to getting you started on treatment as quickly as possible. Your Care Coordinator will work with your healthcare provider’s office and insurance company.
Contact a Care Coordinator to learn more about the starter program and find out if you are eligible.
You’re not alone
Local and nationwide support groups and online resources are available to you.
Talk with your ACE to find out how you can get connected!
We’ve got you covered
Access to Joenja is a priority of APDS Assist. Depending on your insurance and other eligibility criteria, you may be eligible for financial support. A Care Coordinator will provide more information about these resources.
Enrolling in APDS Assist is quick and simple
- When you and your healthcare provider decide that Joenja is right for you, the first step will be for your physician to complete an Enrollment Form that contains your prescription and send it to APDS Assist
- To access patient support services, such as your ACE and financial support, you will need to fill out a Patient Consent Form
Enrolling in APDS Assist
is quick and simple
- When you and your healthcare provider decide that Joenja is right for you, the first step will be for your physician to complete an Enrollment Form that contains your prescription and send it to APDS Assist
- To access patient support services, such as your ACE and financial support, you will need to fill out a Patient Consent Form
Not an actual patient.
If you would like to learn more about APDS or are interested in speaking with an ACE, click below.
*Please note that ACEs do not offer medical or treatment advice or replace discussions with your physician, who will always be your primary source of information.